
Assessment criteria: The Moon, astronauts in space, water, the states of matter

  1. Describe the main characteristics of the Moon: surface, rotation, revolution.
  2. Given a diagram with the positions of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth, identify the phase of the Moon and the shape we see from the Earth.
  3. Explain how high tides form.
  4. Explain when a solar eclipse occurs.
  5. Explain when a lunar eclipse occurs.
  6. Explain how “auroras” form.
  7. Explain what space debris is and why it is a major problem.
  8. Know some of the effects of the absence of gravity and how astronauts deal with it.
  9. Know the names of the changes of state.
  10. Describe how particles are arranged in a solid, in a liquid and in a gas.
  11. Describe an atom as a particle made up of protons, neutrons and electrons.
  12. Describe a molecule as a particle made up by the union of several atoms.
  13. State the reasons that make water on Earth to be so important.
  14. Suggest some measures to have a sustainable water management in your house.
  15. Define some of the terms used in these units and give an example in a sentence. 
  16. Classify substances into these groups and give an example of each type: 
  • Pure substances.
    • Elements.
      • Atomic.
      • Molecular.
      • With a crystal structure.
    • Compounds.
      • Molecular.
      • With a crystal structure.
  • Mixtures.
    • Homogeneous.
    • Heterogeneous.

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